YellowstoneNPS: Bull elk searches for food beneath the snow
YellowstoneNPS: A group of elk near the Lost Lake Ski Trail
YellowstoneNPS: Elk grazing near the Rescue Creek Trail
YellowstoneNPS: A cow and calf elk walk past Roosevelt Arch
YellowstoneNPS: Bull elk grazing in Mammoth Hot Springs
YellowstoneNPS: Bull elk in Mammoth Hot Springs
YellowstoneNPS: Elk in velvet
YellowstoneNPS: Elk skull with canine teeth puncture holes
YellowstoneNPS: Elk calf nursing while its mother grazes
YellowstoneNPS: Elk calf stays close to its mother
YellowstoneNPS: Elk cow grooming her calf
YellowstoneNPS: Cow elk hiding in the bushes in Mammoth Hot Springs
YellowstoneNPS: Cow elk rests on travertine below Palette Spring
YellowstoneNPS: Elk calf and cow near the North Entrance
YellowstoneNPS: Bull elk at Mammoth Hot Springs
YellowstoneNPS: Elk on the move, Lamar Valley
YellowstoneNPS: Cow elk in snow, Mammoth Hot Springs
YellowstoneNPS: Cow elk in snow, Mammoth Hot Springs
YellowstoneNPS: Elk sparring near the North Entrance
YellowstoneNPS: Elk grazing at sunrise near the North Entrance
YellowstoneNPS: Elk grazing near the North Entrance at sunrise
YellowstoneNPS: Bull elk bugling, Mammoth Hot Springs
YellowstoneNPS: Bull elk with harem, Mammoth Hot Springs
YellowstoneNPS: Cow elk on an overcast fall day
YellowstoneNPS: Bull elk, Sepulcher Mountain Trail
YellowstoneNPS: Bull elk on a trail
YellowstoneNPS: Hiker keeps 25 yards away from a bull elk on a trail
YellowstoneNPS: Elk calf near Gardner Canyon
YellowstoneNPS: A group of elk in Lamar Valley
YellowstoneNPS: Elk along the Gardner River