Yellowmerline: Even dinosaurs gotta run
Yellowmerline: Recovery
Yellowmerline: After the race...
Yellowmerline: They are the champions
Yellowmerline: Trash is prettier in the city of brotherly love
Yellowmerline: Fan club
Yellowmerline: Lorax got a spiffy new terry cloth sweatband just for this occasion
Yellowmerline: Pumped for the 26 miles ahead
Yellowmerline: sunrise
Yellowmerline: Changin clothes by the light of the moon (or a nearby street lamp, whatevs)
Yellowmerline: DSCN2685
Yellowmerline: DSCN2684
Yellowmerline: Two words: swag bag
Yellowmerline: registration time
Yellowmerline: We all soooooooo have food. Like, totally!
Yellowmerline: "David make a 'we're on the bus to Philadelphia so that you can be the champion' face"