Yellowmerline: cowabunga, man
Yellowmerline: Uh oh, this candidate is making fun of me? Wha?
Yellowmerline: We hadn't known that E was running for president
Yellowmerline: super engaged in the grown-up conversation at Bruegger's Bagels
Yellowmerline: "I called it a drumset but I meant a sunset...haaa"
Yellowmerline: "do you see those...those...colors up there by the lake? that's a PLAYGROUND!"
Yellowmerline: L with A
Yellowmerline: boys at the lake
Yellowmerline: one more tuuuuuuuurn
Yellowmerline: NOTsledding
Yellowmerline: a little safety precaution
Yellowmerline: zoom zoom
Yellowmerline: l-train's on the move
Yellowmerline: weeeeeeeee
Yellowmerline: it's an arts high brunchunion
Yellowmerline: it's an arts high brunchunion
Yellowmerline: Epicurious
Yellowmerline: Napkin Math
Yellowmerline: the dawning of the age of the piggytails
Yellowmerline: the dawning of the age of the piggytails
Yellowmerline: double fisting it, with a little help from the mouth
Yellowmerline: upside down jack-o-lady
Yellowmerline: spoon cheers
Yellowmerline: playing with our spoons
Yellowmerline: the family who waves together stays together
Yellowmerline: impromptu daddy daaaaaaaance
Yellowmerline: impromptu daddy daaaaaaaance
Yellowmerline: impromptu daddy daaaaaaaance
Yellowmerline: impromptu daddy daaaaaaaance