Tyson of Habein Studio:
buildings film
Tyson of Habein Studio:
downtown film
Tyson of Habein Studio:
tree on a country road film
Tyson of Habein Studio:
jack in the back seat
Tyson of Habein Studio:
landscape at 60mph
Tyson of Habein Studio:
spokane circa 1920
Tyson of Habein Studio:
from the skywalk
Tyson of Habein Studio:
film roll
Tyson of Habein Studio:
look what the UPS man brought me today
Tyson of Habein Studio:
frames overlapping
Tyson of Habein Studio:
Tyson of Habein Studio:
Tyson of Habein Studio:
the burn vs. the clouds
Tyson of Habein Studio:
the old Public Drug building that burned
Tyson of Habein Studio:
Grace rests
Tyson of Habein Studio:
Grace goofs
Tyson of Habein Studio:
amazing southern BBQ and N'Awlins cooking
Tyson of Habein Studio:
Jack waits for dinner
Tyson of Habein Studio:
Shrimp and Crawfish in Roux
Tyson of Habein Studio:
Jack enjoys breakfast at Grandma Cammy's house
Tyson of Habein Studio:
at the butcher block
Tyson of Habein Studio:
Polaroid one step flash
Tyson of Habein Studio:
1968 polaroid colorpack landcamera
Tyson of Habein Studio:
1954 Bolsey-Flex
Tyson of Habein Studio:
Spokane Cross-processed
Tyson of Habein Studio:
Tyson of Habein Studio:
dueling sitars
Tyson of Habein Studio:
Tyson of Habein Studio:
the back of the piece