yellow book: The Turkey Cafe
yellow book: Leicestershire Banking Company
yellow book: The Turkey Cafe
yellow book: Town Hall Square
yellow book: The Clock Tower, Leicester
yellow book: St Peter’s Square
yellow book: Highcross Car Park
yellow book: Highcross Car Park
yellow book: John Lewis Highcross
yellow book: Causeway Lane
yellow book: John Lewis
yellow book: Market Place South
yellow book: Town Hall
yellow book: Midland Auction Mart, Market Street
yellow book: General Accident Fire & Life Offices
yellow book: Adult Education Centre
yellow book: Former Fenwick’s store
yellow book: Grey Friars
yellow book: Pares’s Bank, St Martins
yellow book: St Martins East
yellow book: Cathedral Gardens
yellow book: Cathedral Gardens
yellow book: Towards Stillness, Cathedral Gardens
yellow book: St Martins West
yellow book: Cathedral and Guildhall
yellow book: Jubilee Square
yellow book: Free Grammar School, Highcross Street
yellow book: Lewis’s Tower
yellow book: College Court