yeimaya: 2005 08-25 eaglet 8 of 9: BIRDS Poem
yeimaya: begging? #3 of 4
yeimaya: 2005 11-13 pine siskins 02
yeimaya: Harvest moon Sept 5-17 2005
yeimaya: 2002 10-17 FULL MOON Maine
yeimaya: 2002 10-17 "Tide turner Illusion burner"
yeimaya: Rufus survives -Photo by Rosie Seton
yeimaya: Djembe forest
yeimaya: 2005 07-29 Rehearsal 15
yeimaya: 2006 02:19 bucket ice
yeimaya: Chevron
yeimaya: Different feet same floor
yeimaya: Diversity- Barry Lopez
yeimaya: PEACE - Maya Angelou
yeimaya: Heaven's in our Hearts- dedicated to Barack Obama
yeimaya: 2006 08/15 sunrays out of Hills island.
yeimaya: 2006 10/13 Magic
yeimaya: 2005 7-25 Bonepartes gull in fog
yeimaya: Life and death: R.I.P. Kurt Vonnegut
yeimaya: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM (Garnite)