LILI 296...: Lofty le Westie...
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 29 of "Lyrics of Lincoln's Inn, etc"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 33 of "By Woman's Favour [A novel.]"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 27 of "The Bachelor"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 216 of "Lady Valeria. A novel"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 206 of "Poems on several occasions [with an account of the author by J. Spence.]"
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 301 of "Jezebel's Daughter"
Kamelienfreunde: Kamelie / Camellia Hybr. 'Fairy Blush'
thomas.kopf: Model Railroad Scene
clickraa: Langeoog ---854644
220 051: 05380
Hugobian: In The Warmth Of The Sun
Vijce: Watercolors
Vijce: To all colorful souls!
Joan's Pics 2012: Soapwort Saponaria officinalis - Bouncing Betty
Terje Håheim (thaheim): Shiba Inu in the move
rosebudl1959: Red Squirrel - Sciurus vulgaris
dominikfranzl: Sunset in Hallstatt
NATIONAL SUGRAPHIC: Frozen Lake Abant and Forest
ArztG.|Photo: when silence quides your minds
albert dros: Autumn Faith
GillK2012: Ebb and flow II
aosv: 20161023_192300
jennifer.stahn: Rheinturm Düsseldorf - NRW70
tobias-d: Rheinturm Düsseldorf - Rheinkomet
Lachigan: Mason at Home 006.jpg
Haeppi: Morgenstimmung Im Rheinpark in Düsseldorf