y-cart: Dripping Slide
y-cart: Fluffy #2
y-cart: Faces #2
y-cart: Playing around on the chairlift
y-cart: Faces #3
y-cart: Faces #4
y-cart: Closeup
y-cart: Dinner Buffet
y-cart: The damage is done
y-cart: My parents
y-cart: Entertaining ourselves on the chairlift
y-cart: Pose #1
y-cart: Pose #2
y-cart: Snow Fall
y-cart: Stopping for the scenery
y-cart: In the wee small hours of the morning
y-cart: The lonely snowy tree
y-cart: Pose #3 aka it's snowing!
y-cart: Snow Gangsta
y-cart: Frozen Mirror
y-cart: Hello!
y-cart: Slide
y-cart: Breathless
y-cart: Exhausted
y-cart: Drying our gear at lunch
y-cart: Snowflakes
y-cart: Giant
y-cart: Binding
y-cart: Mother, Daughter
y-cart: On the slopes