ybmel: IMGP6802
ybmel: IMGP6803
ybmel: Sharing some hay
ybmel: Ranger says stay outta my hay!
ybmel: Mikey taking some time to chew.
ybmel: Yum!
ybmel: Stay back now
ybmel: Mikey thinks so too!
ybmel: They're such good sharers!
ybmel: IMGP6817
ybmel: Trying to hide their faces in the hay
ybmel: IMGP6821
ybmel: IMGP6823
ybmel: Mikey trying to be a rockstar
ybmel: arrrrrrrr says Mikey!
ybmel: llama horse
ybmel: IMGP0042
ybmel: IMGP0045
ybmel: IMGP0044
ybmel: IMGP0043
ybmel: She just stood up..about an hour old
ybmel: Ruby and Filly
ybmel: Lets try the top
ybmel: Take that
ybmel: Mom, I'm going to eat this bottle
ybmel: I like Coke
ybmel: Sleepy Girl
ybmel: Ruby says get up little one
ybmel: Hmmm do I want to get up?
ybmel: I can get up easier now :)