YBAMA: Marks
YBAMA: Raley Stadium
YBAMA: Poster
YBAMA: Poster
YBAMA: Rebecca Brutlag
YBAMA: Bella Vista Student team
YBAMA: 3 teams briefing
YBAMA: Teams on the move
YBAMA: Broadcast Room Briefing
YBAMA: Johnny Doskow Voice of RC
YBAMA: Johnny Doskow Voice of RC
YBAMA: Justin Rypma, Bear River Team
YBAMA: Franklin Team
YBAMA: From the booth
YBAMA: Bisho Center HS
YBAMA: Quickies
YBAMA: Steve Lewandowski
YBAMA: CBHS and CMC producers
YBAMA: Steve's briefing
YBAMA: Set up interview
YBAMA: Teams converging
YBAMA: Teams taking the field
YBAMA: Teams taking the field
YBAMA: Media Control Room
YBAMA: Kate Manning, CBHS Producer interview
YBAMA: Steve Lewandowski
YBAMA: Interview