yaznotjaz: Some days, I go to the marina in order to clear my head
yaznotjaz: My view at the marina
yaznotjaz: I firmly believe every woman should own a pair of red shoes
yaznotjaz: Kryptonite
yaznotjaz: Stabbing weapons at the beach!
yaznotjaz: Carefree at the fake beach in Emeryville
yaznotjaz: Slanted shards
yaznotjaz: Breakfast meeting at Semifreddi's, Emeryville
yaznotjaz: I have an announcement to make
yaznotjaz: Marrakesh
yaznotjaz: This is what marinas in the North Bay look like on Sunday mornings
yaznotjaz: San Francisco skyline sunset
yaznotjaz: Somedays I wish I were a boy with a sailboat and no plans
yaznotjaz: Iftar on the floor
yaznotjaz: If you've been following along for a while, you'll recognize every single one of these photographs
yaznotjaz: I have my very own pirate ship, a gift from my sister and brother-in-law
yaznotjaz: This beautiful print is by Nadia Janjua