yaznotjaz: Berkeley poetry walk
yaznotjaz: This one HAS to go out to the lovely PPP, whose favorite insult is, "You STUPID COW!"
yaznotjaz: Aftermath (1945)
yaznotjaz: We are like these things, impermanent and unpinned.
yaznotjaz: Arabic in red brick
yaznotjaz: Make Art
yaznotjaz: A childhood around 1950
yaznotjaz: Because we need good maps
yaznotjaz: Saturday at the canal
yaznotjaz: Amazing grace
yaznotjaz: Knowledge: All I know is that I don't know nothing. And that's fine.
yaznotjaz: Piano man
yaznotjaz: Reassurance
yaznotjaz: We are such stuff as dreams are made on
yaznotjaz: A textbook of poetry, 21
yaznotjaz: Shall goodwill ever be secure?
yaznotjaz: Going east