yawper: welcome home!
yawper: scoreboard
yawper: Is the press box off center?
yawper: Capitol View
yawper: ross's building
yawper: stanchion
yawper: green, green grass
yawper: southwest
yawper: Navy Yard and Anacostia from the stadium
yawper: U.S.S. Barry
yawper: corn cup
yawper: Rich is a superfan
yawper: curly "w"
yawper: not exactly r.f.k.
yawper: old timey hero
yawper: moment of glory
yawper: view from the $300 seats
yawper: thomas jefferson has pretty good legs
yawper: a rare sight
yawper: not a toboggan...
yawper: New DOT
yawper: don't even think about it...
yawper: Navy Yard Latrobe Gate
yawper: L'Enfant Plaza Metro