यश: And that's my room!
यश: My workstation!
यश: going up!
यश: The awesome chandelier
यश: almost there
यश: where's the fire mister?
यश: isn't that beautiful?
यश: 2004-01-27 at 13-00-00
यश: Superman!
यश: 2004-01-27 at 13-00-56
यश: 2004-01-27 at 13-01-04
यश: 2004-01-27 at 13-02-22
यश: The kitchen
यश: Reflecting on the day
यश: The living room
यश: Huge tv
यश: Ain't I lookin cool?
यश: The front lawn
यश: Magnificent chandelier
यश: 2004-01-27 at 13-06-12
यश: Dosa diner
यश: 20070827-20-12-1
यश: 20070827-20-20
यश: 20070827-20-11
यश: Chutney, Sambar and 3/4ths of a dosa!
यश: 20070827-20-11-1
यश: 20070827-20-13
यश: 20070827-20-13-1
यश: Careful, Its HOT!
यश: Trapped?