यश: Mumbai roads
यश: DSCF0061
यश: 0604190001
यश: 0604190002
यश: Never ending white lights
यश: 0604190004
यश: 0604190005
यश: 0604190006
यश: 0604190007
यश: 0604190008
यश: 0604190009
यश: 0604190010
यश: 0604200011
यश: 0604200012
यश: go with the flow
यश: 0604210003
यश: Almot Lost
यश: yash flipped
यश: Can you move it a little higher?
यश: 0604210006
यश: Yash all lit up!
यश: whirls
यश: Ball of light
यश: Light trails, dotted lines
यश: 0604220019
यश: attempt at smiley
यश: smiley face with no smile
यश: Smiley Face
यश: frog?