यश: popping eye
यश: DSCF1953
यश: 0608140026
यश: Mosiac by Sujata
यश: Notice board
यश: Making the search bar
यश: Last few minutes to work
यश: Everyone's drained out
यश: Are you being defensive?
यश: Bad lighting...
यश: Another pic
यश: Busy workin!
यश: LOL
यश: Donating blood
यश: Stray puppy under a car
यश: on a swing again
यश: Sumit playing the mouth organ
यश: Muahh! Muahh!
यश: J for?
यश: Pranju's frown, sumit's hand, and suju's behind
यश: Lets Move!
यश: 'Green' art
यश: OMG! Love the expression!
यश: C'mon! you can do better than that!
यश: Take One!
यश: Take two!
यश: Believe me, that thing was REALLY heavy!
यश: That's it!
यश: Sumit's poster!
यश: Now cut out a 'P' MR. Patil