yarnivore: Julia likes soy sauce on her chopsticks
yarnivore: Julia, glowing
yarnivore: Me, with something in my mouth, I think
yarnivore: Heather
yarnivore: Julia points something out to Milo
yarnivore: Julia is happy to see me
yarnivore: Julia makes a proclamation
yarnivore: Milo
yarnivore: Julia is one of us
yarnivore: Julia might need a camera
yarnivore: Julia
yarnivore: Ada, monkey girl
yarnivore: Julia triumphans
yarnivore: Ada triumphans
yarnivore: Ada climbing
yarnivore: Jules and Ada take over the world
yarnivore: Heather
yarnivore: Salome
yarnivore: Milo
yarnivore: Jeremy covered in young blondes
yarnivore: Rachel has just told me something Very Important and Secret (and quite possibly silly)
yarnivore: the girls work on their schemes