yarnivore: one of Adam's blinky things
yarnivore: Raphael and Jon working something out
yarnivore: Francis getting a rundown from Bre
yarnivore: XO laptops awaiting various fates
yarnivore: Francis and Eric talk nanoloop details
yarnivore: Francis and Jon check out Eric's nanoloop-running Gameboy
yarnivore: Bre shows off the violet wand
yarnivore: Deeanna and Raphael
yarnivore: Deeanna about to head out
yarnivore: Alicia's robot frog
yarnivore: Alicia shows off robot frog
yarnivore: Alicia shows off robot frog
yarnivore: Raphael hotglues magnets to bike wheel
yarnivore: Bre and a visitor
yarnivore: barcampnyc3 visitor
yarnivore: Eric Skiff amid blurry chaos
yarnivore: blurry werewolves
yarnivore: blurry werewolves
yarnivore: one of Adam's 87 projects
yarnivore: one of Adam's 87 projects (and Adam!)
yarnivore: Matt working on his LED shirt
yarnivore: neighborhood signage