yarnivore: tricked-out tower
yarnivore: tricked-out tower
yarnivore: Jens learned how to knit!
yarnivore: oh dear, now 13 people are banned from Media Markt
yarnivore: anti-data-retention demonstration
yarnivore: currywurst!
yarnivore: very funny 10-year-old college dorm poster
yarnivore: very funny 10-year-old college dorm poster
yarnivore: the rocket seems more important than the TV tower, don't you think?
yarnivore: I didn't stay up for Hacker Jeopardy
yarnivore: six people banned from the Media Markt
yarnivore: Thurn und Taxis!
yarnivore: Johannes makes a Very Funny Point
yarnivore: Johannes makes a Very Serious Point
yarnivore: wish I'd gotten my own naked lady printout
yarnivore: inside the Nautilus lounge -- so many nice touches
yarnivore: critter from the Nautilus lounge
yarnivore: Bre's apocalypse talk
yarnivore: Bre's apocalypse talk
yarnivore: Fadeninsel, a lovely yarn shop
yarnivore: where to get your passport photos
yarnivore: New Year's Eve fireworks (on sale until Dec. 28th!)
yarnivore: view from my window
yarnivore: Media Markt -- poor, poor Media Markt
yarnivore: rocket, in front of the Berliner Congress Center
yarnivore: Berlin Fernsehturm
yarnivore: Berlin Fernsehturm
yarnivore: me and my Club-Mate
yarnivore: me and my Club-Mate
yarnivore: so many Legos -- in preparation for robot sumo battles