yarnivore: Berlin Hauptbahnhof
yarnivore: Berlin Hauptbahnhof
yarnivore: Berlin Hauptbahnhof, polizei
yarnivore: Berlin Hauptbahnhof, signage
yarnivore: Ampelmännchen, und Ampelfrau
yarnivore: sudoku fur Deutschland!
yarnivore: games, yay!
yarnivore: Berlin Hauptbahnhof
yarnivore: Berlin Hauptbahnhof
yarnivore: Playboy merchandise
yarnivore: Snack Point Charlie?
yarnivore: Wall bits
yarnivore: Wall bits
yarnivore: iPhone is everywhere
yarnivore: Kochstrasse - Checkpoint Charlie
yarnivore: Amy, Vince, even Germany wants you to get your shit together
yarnivore: more signage
yarnivore: Green lemon Beck's
yarnivore: so much liquor in a subway shop
yarnivore: Mehringdamm
yarnivore: sign that sort of made me feel like I could read German
yarnivore: the word "Erdnusse" makes me happy
yarnivore: um, does this mean "student food"?
yarnivore: Big is Beautiful!
yarnivore: Neukolln
yarnivore: so many Ricola ohne Zucker
yarnivore: so many Ricola ohne Zucker
yarnivore: Kindersurprise eggs!
yarnivore: mmm, Rittersport
yarnivore: CornyBIG