yarnivore: Blood, Sweat, Code, and Cat
yarnivore: Inu, undignified
yarnivore: sincerity
yarnivore: man in his natural habitat
yarnivore: Echo neko
yarnivore: Echo neko
yarnivore: Calliope!
yarnivore: squalling
yarnivore: Inu is unimpressed.
yarnivore: stuporific
yarnivore: we were all that sleepy
yarnivore: mmmm
yarnivore: you are getting very hungry
yarnivore: Have we used enough butter yet?
yarnivore: skeptic
yarnivore: Marc, asking a question, as always
yarnivore: ain't that a handsome man?
yarnivore: little hand, big hand (2)
yarnivore: little hand, big hand (1)
yarnivore: eensy little baby hand
yarnivore: can a girl get some privacy?
yarnivore: Debby does deglazing
yarnivore: biscuit rolling
yarnivore: pecan and caramel pumpkin pies -- mmm
yarnivore: he cleans up right nice
yarnivore: where's the baby?
yarnivore: where's the baby?
yarnivore: Callie!
yarnivore: biscuit kneading
yarnivore: form follows function