yarnivore: honeysuckle
yarnivore: Francis and roses
yarnivore: washed-out roses
yarnivore: more morning glories!
yarnivore: roses in the BBG
yarnivore: roses in the BBG
yarnivore: roses in the BBG
yarnivore: roses in the BBG
yarnivore: clematis and smoke bush
yarnivore: neighborhood roses
yarnivore: neighborhood roses
yarnivore: first morning glory!
yarnivore: first morning glory!
yarnivore: coreopsis
yarnivore: hollyhocks
yarnivore: 5th Street roses
yarnivore: petunia
yarnivore: stella d'oro
yarnivore: petunias
yarnivore: 5th Street rose
yarnivore: 5th Street rose
yarnivore: Caton Ave coreopsis
yarnivore: pansy
yarnivore: crazy rose
yarnivore: columbine
yarnivore: columbine
yarnivore: bluebells
yarnivore: outside the rose garden
yarnivore: rose
yarnivore: outside the rose garden