yanoks48: Flying to Hokkaidō
yanoks48: Mount Oakan / 雄阿寒岳
yanoks48: Sea filled with drift ice / 流氷の海
yanoks48: Frozen Furepe Waterfall / 凍ったフレペの滝
yanoks48: Furepe Waterfall / フレペの滝
yanoks48: Master of the forest / 森の主
yanoks48: Flying squirrel / エゾモモンガ
yanoks48: Morning with drift ice / 流氷のある朝
yanoks48: Night of drift ice / 流氷の夜
yanoks48: Sea filled with drift ice / 流氷の海
yanoks48: End of the land / 地の果て
yanoks48: Drift ice with sun pillar / 流氷とサンピラー
yanoks48: Museum of Northern Peoples / 北方民族博物館
yanoks48: White-tailed eagle / オジロワシ
yanoks48: Mirage / 蜃気楼
yanoks48: Shiretoko over drift ice / 流氷と知床の山
yanoks48: Chill morning with steam fog / けあらしの朝
yanoks48: Conifers in snow / 雪の針葉樹
yanoks48: Loyal fan
yanoks48: Penguin walk / ペンギンの散歩