yanoks48: Otaru canal / 小樽運河
yanoks48: Snow lights at dusk / 雪あかり 夕暮れ時
yanoks48: Snow couple
yanoks48: Tranquil light / 静謐
yanoks48: Illuminated alone 2015 / 雪あかり 一本桜
yanoks48: Standing on the summit / 山頂に立つ
yanoks48: Lights on snow / 雪あかり
yanoks48: Lights and the canal / あかりと運河
yanoks48: Heart
yanoks48: Stars in a cave / ほらあな
yanoks48: Chinese castle / 洛陽城
yanoks48: Looking at a candle / ともしび
yanoks48: Light in the dark / 雪あかり
yanoks48: Plants / 草花
yanoks48: Glow in winter night / かがやき
yanoks48: In and out
yanoks48: Night view with ski slope / スキー場のある夜景
yanoks48: Otaru Canal / 夜の小樽運河