yanoks48: Fountain park / 和田倉噴水公園
yanoks48: Fountain park / 和田倉噴水公園
yanoks48: Evening sky
yanoks48: Imperial Palace Plaza with snow / 雪の皇居前広場
yanoks48: Walking on the edge 2 / へりを歩く
yanoks48: Flapping / はばたき
yanoks48: Two birds / 二羽
yanoks48: Walking on the edge / へりを歩く
yanoks48: Nijūbashi bridge with snow / 雪の二重橋
yanoks48: Pine trees and snow / 雪の皇居前広場
yanoks48: Pine trees and snow / 雪の皇居前広場
yanoks48: Snowy day of Tokyo / 雪の日の東京
yanoks48: Teardrop for fallen petals / 落涙
yanoks48: Rippling petals / さざなみ
yanoks48: Full face / 正面
yanoks48: Restless / よそ見
yanoks48: Early cherry blossoms / 早咲きの桜
yanoks48: Blossom on snow
yanoks48: Image of spring / 春のイメージ
yanoks48: Sucking nectar / 蜜を吸いに
yanoks48: White-eye / メジロ
yanoks48: Greed / 貪欲
yanoks48: Early cherry blossom / 早咲きの桜
yanoks48: Temple with an ume tree / 梅のある寺
yanoks48: Why are you here? / なぜここに…
yanoks48: Dropped onto snow / 雪に桜