yanoks48: Otaru night lights over ski slope / 天狗山ロープウェイより
yanoks48: Snow light wood path / 雪あかりの林
yanoks48: Illuminated woods / 雪あかりの林
yanoks48: Illuminated alone / 雪あかり 桜の木
yanoks48: Cherry tree with snow / 雪降る夜の桜の木
yanoks48: One or two?
yanoks48: Snowy canal / 雪の小樽運河
yanoks48: Snow lights / 雪あかり
yanoks48: Ice glasses / 氷グラス
yanoks48: Warm lights in the cold / 運河雪あかり
yanoks48: Snow light path / 雪あかりの路
yanoks48: Otaru snow light / 雪あかり
yanoks48: Frozen canal with lights / 氷と灯り
yanoks48: Otaru Canal with snow lights / 運河 雪あかり
yanoks48: Snow lights along the canal / 運河 雪あかり
yanoks48: 合格祈願
yanoks48: Snow light path / 雪あかりの路
yanoks48: Wish
yanoks48: Frozen canal / 凍れる運河
yanoks48: Glass in Otaru / 小樽 ガラス器
yanoks48: Heart and star (and the moon?)
yanoks48: Moonlight of snow light / 月夜 雪あかり
yanoks48: Watch fire / かがり火
yanoks48: Symbol of Otaru
yanoks48: Heart in the dark
yanoks48: Fire in the heart
yanoks48: Heartwarming
yanoks48: Warm light in snow / 雪あかり
yanoks48: Fruits in ice
yanoks48: Snow rabbits / 雪うさぎ