yanoks48: Tama River / 多摩川
yanoks48: Autumn house / 秋の家
yanoks48: Colors of Tama River / 秋色多摩川
yanoks48: Red leaves / 渓流の紅葉
yanoks48: Arch / アーチ
yanoks48: Mitake Gorge / 御岳渓谷
yanoks48: Mitake Bridge / 御岳橋
yanoks48: Practicing / 練習中
yanoks48: Ginkgo tree / 玉堂美術館前
yanoks48: Red and yellow / 紅と黄
yanoks48: A boy and a mother / 母子
yanoks48: A big ginkgo tree / 銀杏
yanoks48: Canoeing / カヌー
yanoks48: View from Mitake Bridge / 御岳橋からの眺め
yanoks48: Upper stream of Tama River / 多摩川上流
yanoks48: Mitake Gorge / 御岳渓谷
yanoks48: Mitake Bridge / 御岳橋
yanoks48: Bottleneck / 難所
yanoks48: Solitary house / 森の一軒家
yanoks48: Autumn canoe / 秋のカヌー
yanoks48: Mitake Gorge / 御岳渓谷
yanoks48: From Mitake Bridge / 御岳橋から