yannie: Goodnight, love
yannie: Kiss kiss
yannie: Lurvvvve
yannie: Kiss kiss
yannie: Crazy fiance
yannie: Istana: Happy couple
yannie: Istana: Happy couple
yannie: Walk-in wardrobe at Ikea
yannie: My future housemate
yannie: Funny hat
yannie: Central MTR station
yannie: Central MTR station
yannie: Central MTR station
yannie: On the MTR
yannie: Engaged
yannie: Pre-presentation of the Bling
yannie: I wanna grow old with you
yannie: Waiting for the bus
yannie: Dinner at Wacha
yannie: A hair-raising experience
yannie: A hair-raising experience
yannie: Feetses
yannie: Sleepy me and the boyfriend
yannie: Saturday at Salvation Army
yannie: Saturday at Salvation Army
yannie: Happy us at The Scarlet
yannie: Happy us at The Scarlet
yannie: Shoes
yannie: Jimmy and I
yannie: Small shoe, big shoe