YanktonBirder: IMG_3411-Pectoral Sandpiper-N of Gayville 04.28.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_3618-Pectoral Sandpiper-N of Gayville 04.28.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_3618-Pectoral Sandpiper-N of Gayville 04.28.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_3642-Hudsonian Godwit-N of Gayville 04.28.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_3618-Pectoral Sandpiper-N of Gayville 04.28.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_3861-Dunlin & Pectoral Sandpiper-N of Gayville 04.28.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_3863-Dunlin & Pectoral Sandpiper-N of Gayville 04.28.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_3905-Pectoral Sandpiper/Lesser Yellowlegs/Hudsonian Godwit-N of Gayville 04.28.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_3982-Pectoral Sandpiper & Lesser Yellowlegs-N of Gayville 04.28.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_4528-Dunlinx3 & Pectoral Sandpiper-N of Gayville 04.28.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_4536-Pectoral Sandpiper & Dunlinx2-N of Gayville 04.28.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_4536-Dunlinx1 & Pectoral Sandpiper-N of Gayville 04.28.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_4543-Semipalmated Sandpiper & Pectoral Sandpiper-N of Gayville 04.28.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_4543-Pectoral Sandpiper-N of Gayville 04.28.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_9259-Pectoral Sandpiper-NW of Vermillion 07.22.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_9262-Pectoral Sandpiper-NW of Vermillion 07.22.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_9276-Pectoral Sandpiper-NW of Vermillion 07.22.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_9303-Pectoral Sandpiper-NW of Vermillion 07.22.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_9320-Pectoral Sandpiper-NW of Vermillion 07.22.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_4655-Pectoral, Semipalmated & Stilt Sandpipers feeding-N of Utica 08.13.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_4731-Lesser Yellowlegs & Pectoral Sandpiper-N of Utica 08.13.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_4731-Lesser Yellowlegs & Pectoral Sandpiper-N of Utica 08.13.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_6030-Pectoral Sandpiper-N of Utica 08.18.11
YanktonBirder: IMG_0892-Pectoral Sandpiper-W of Lesterville 04.23.12
YanktonBirder: IMG_2559-Pectoral Sandpiper-W of Lesterville 04.28.12
YanktonBirder: IMG_4359-Pectoral Sandpiper-W of Lesterville 04.28.12
YanktonBirder: IMG_4364-Pectoral Sandpiper-W of Lesterville 04.28.12
YanktonBirder: IMG_4392-Pectoral Sandpiper-W of Lesterville 04.28.12
YanktonBirder: IMG_4572-Semipalmated Plover, Lesser Yellowlegs, & Pectoral Sandpiper-W of Lesterville 04.28.12
YanktonBirder: IMG_3363-Dunlin & Pectoral Sandpiper-Lesterville Pond 05.17.12