Rob Barker: Arasta Bazaar
Rob Barker: My bestest friend in Istanbul
Rob Barker: Turkish Flag, Istanbul
Rob Barker: He made me take his photo
Rob Barker: another Istanbul cat
Rob Barker: Cat watching over Blue Mosque
Rob Barker: two Blue Mosque doors
Rob Barker: Blue Mosque ceiling and wires. so many wires
Rob Barker: Vacuumed Mosque
Rob Barker: The market was closed
Rob Barker: Modern Istanbul
Rob Barker: Malatya - view from my hotel room
Rob Barker: apricots are not in season
Rob Barker: Malatya Pear
Rob Barker: Immature blackberry... no iPhone jokes (I tried)
Rob Barker: Walnuts and Blackberries
Rob Barker: in the apple orchard
Rob Barker: self on bus, leven valley
Rob Barker: Somewhere between Malatya and Darende
Rob Barker: at Darende
Rob Barker: A man in Darende, I must find a hat like this
Rob Barker: Self portrait in bus window on remote Turkish mountain road and man in suit inexplicably standing by the roadside smoking a cigarette nowhere near a vehicle of any description
Rob Barker: Road works on the way to Mount Nemrut - no need to close the road
Rob Barker: Road works on the way to Mount Nemrut - no need to close the road
Rob Barker: woah there, my crumpler dude is upside down!
Rob Barker: Ricardo, working hard... on the way to Mount Nemrut
Rob Barker: Aysa, translator extraordinaire, looks at a picture of herself in a green jumper on the way to Mount Nemrut
Rob Barker: Caroline gave him a sticker
Rob Barker: Mount Nemrut 'gaurd' dog family. nearly licked me to death
Rob Barker: Mount Nemrut, near summit - with Charlie and Nithya