Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1915-rooms for tax-paying
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1766-Trujillo
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1768-breakfast-corn dumping
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1778-the thing i ate
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1780-trophy head again
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1788
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1797
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1803-model of Huaca de la Luna
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1808-museo de arquelogia
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1810-palacio iturregui
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1813-Huaca de Luna
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1822-new temples build on top of old ones, this is the forth layer
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1825
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1836
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1843-according to guide, this layer is just reveled
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1848-the ceremonial plaza
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1853-a special dog in Peru...each site has to have a pair
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1860-temple of the iris
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1866
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1870-all the buildings in this city looks unfinished
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1888-palaces in chan chan, the largest mud city in the world, in 6th century
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1890-the model of the only palace
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1898-chan chan, normal abode without maintanence
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1905-the maintenanced part, palace of one of the kings
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1991-fishing time
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1918-nice
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1930-the royal reed pond
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1944-the funeral place for the king
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1965-the signiture fishing boat
Alva/Yang: 20091027peru_1970-nice