Nano shadow: Panorama. The pond of General
Nano shadow: My travelling companion
Nano shadow: Rider in the plain
Nano shadow: Country road
Nano shadow: My wife
Nano shadow: My wife
Nano shadow: The hill under the sunset
Nano shadow: Country road
Nano shadow: A grove
Nano shadow: Mr. Madknife
Nano shadow: Hillside
Nano shadow: Mongolian yurt
Nano shadow: after sunset
Nano shadow: sunrise in the pond of General
Nano shadow: Before sunrise
Nano shadow: Another pond
Nano shadow: A small hill
Nano shadow: small hill
Nano shadow: Rain dropping
Nano shadow: sunset with HDR
Nano shadow: predawn
Nano shadow: sunglow
Nano shadow: sunrise with HDR
Nano shadow: flower with noname
Nano shadow: thunderstorm is brewing
Nano shadow: Exposure fusion
Nano shadow: Africa ?? HAA
Nano shadow: Exposure fusion
Nano shadow: like Africa
Nano shadow: shrubbery