kurichan+: 130/365 "I ain't the worst that you seen, oh can't you see what I mean?"
kurichan+: 148/365 "We are at the edge of an abyss and we're close to being irrevocably lost."
kurichan+: 159/365 Jump for some unusual emotion
kurichan+: 175/365 Dream in Colour
kurichan+: 192/365 I Believe.
kurichan+: 233/365「So」は空(そら)です
kurichan+: 256/365「Yo」はよし!です
kurichan+: 268/365「Ge」は元気(げんき)です
kurichan+: 326/365「外」そと
kurichan+: 342/365 "Doing is a quantum leap from imagining."
kurichan+: 363/365 Once more for jumps sake
kurichan+: 105/141 Not yet winter wonderland
kurichan+: 139/141 Might as well jump.
kurichan+: 027/365 Just Jump
kurichan+: 057/365 Doctorin' the Tardis
kurichan+: 111/365 Cannot contain excitement
kurichan+: SEY Jump
kurichan+: 117/365 "Throw my hands back! Shout! Kick my heels up! Shout!"
kurichan+: 124/365 Sure enough the weather shows up.
kurichan+: 139/365 Kanazawa Jumpin'
kurichan+: Happy Couple Jump
kurichan+: 151/365 Happy 144th Canada!
kurichan+: 166/365 Striped Leap
kurichan+: 182/365 Olympic Leap
kurichan+: [JUMP] Master Leap
kurichan+: [One Shot] 009 - [JUMP] Celtic Leap
kurichan+: [JUMP] Loving Hawai'i
kurichan+: Reunited