kurichan+: 28/365 The evolution process continues
kurichan+: 32/365 Walking with a ghost
kurichan+: 40/365 09/09/09
kurichan+: 42/365 Daily fluctuations
kurichan+: 43/365 Bursting Through
kurichan+: 49/365 Night on my side
kurichan+: 54/365 It shall be mine
kurichan+: 57/365 "Here by my side an angel. Here by my side a devil."
kurichan+: 59/365 Looking towards heaven, only to fall from Grace
kurichan+: 60/365 "No rain can't get the rainbow"
kurichan+: 65/365 "It's back to sleep to re-dreaming"
kurichan+: 68/365 "So I know you'll understand why I had to do a thing like this-- I had to do a thing like this"
kurichan+: 69/365 "Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time- It's easy"
kurichan+: 71/365 Decisions, Decisions
kurichan+: 75/365 "I tremble, they're gonna eat me alive"
kurichan+: 77/365 "When I'm not too certain if the real me inside is the one who needs to hide"
kurichan+: 81/365 [Please, God, connect the hearts of these two]
kurichan+: 83/365 Show your Gleekiness
kurichan+: 85/365 A noteworthy reality
kurichan+: 88/365 "I always feel like somebody's watching me, who's playing tricks on me?
kurichan+: 92/365 "I've seen him, and he's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night and the storm and the heart of the sun. He's ancient and forever; he burns in the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe...and he's wonderful."
kurichan+: 95/365 Caffeine will leave you sleepless
kurichan+: 100/365 Cloudy with a chance of 99 photos
kurichan+: 101/365 Forgetting and moving on
kurichan+: 103/365 Lest we forget
kurichan+: 111/365 "Empty and cold I am torn apart you enter the beats back in my heart."
kurichan+: 113/365 "I guess I kind of lived in a fairytale world... looking at everything through rose-colored glasses. I probably always will, to a certain extent."
kurichan+: 116/365 "The only abnormality is the incapacity to love"
kurichan+: 119/365 Buy Nothing Day
kurichan+: 120/365 "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"