kurichan+: 62/365 Wash away and start again
kurichan+: 63/365 Digital pieces of me
kurichan+: 64/365 "I'm feeling like she's not enough to kill me"
kurichan+: 65/365 "It's back to sleep to re-dreaming"
kurichan+: 66/365 "Even as you chase that bright star in the sky, the footprints you leave behind shine just as bright just like stars."
kurichan+: 67/365 "Putting on my daytime eyes, a good enough disquise until I get some sleep"
kurichan+: 68/365 "So I know you'll understand why I had to do a thing like this-- I had to do a thing like this"
kurichan+: 69/365 "Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time- It's easy"
kurichan+: 70/365 Picture This
kurichan+: 71/365 Decisions, Decisions
kurichan+: 72/365 Not the greatest idea
kurichan+: 73/365 A multitude of expressions
kurichan+: 74/365 Hanging with friends
kurichan+: 75/365 "I tremble, they're gonna eat me alive"
kurichan+: 76/365 Mama said there'd be days like this
kurichan+: 77/365 "When I'm not too certain if the real me inside is the one who needs to hide"
kurichan+: 78/365 How to catch a death of cold
kurichan+: 79/365 Chuuuu~ チュゥ!
kurichan+: 80/365 *tap tap* Anyone there?
kurichan+: 81/365 [Please, God, connect the hearts of these two]
kurichan+: 82/365 Put your hand down, nobody cares
kurichan+: 83/365 Show your Gleekiness
kurichan+: 84/365 Duh, how does this go in again?
kurichan+: 85/365 A noteworthy reality
kurichan+: 86/365 "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown"
kurichan+: 87/365 So, what'll it be? The usual?
kurichan+: 88/365 "I always feel like somebody's watching me, who's playing tricks on me?
kurichan+: 89/365 "Aim at being loved without being admired."
kurichan+: 90/365 "Beauty alone makes all the world happy, and every being forgets its limitations as long as it experiences her enchantment."
kurichan+: 91/365 This time, I'm finally being un-lazy