yahnyinlondon: Looking towards the main building
yahnyinlondon: Closer view of the main building
yahnyinlondon: Different view of the main building and statue.
yahnyinlondon: Close up of the sculpture
yahnyinlondon: 1933 - 1945
yahnyinlondon: A lone floral tribute
yahnyinlondon: Down the main path in Dachau
yahnyinlondon: Across Dachau
yahnyinlondon: Where the houses stood
yahnyinlondon: Building no. 6
yahnyinlondon: The Jewish Memorial
yahnyinlondon: The famous gate "Arbeit Macht Frei" or Work Brings Freedom.
yahnyinlondon: Memorial at Dachau
yahnyinlondon: Closer view of the Memorial
yahnyinlondon: Never Again