Yaerma29: White rose where purity incarnate
Yaerma29: Rose ancienne
Yaerma29: Yellow rose
Yaerma29: Rose
Yaerma29: Rose
Yaerma29: Rose
Yaerma29: Four roses. A consommer sans modération.
Yaerma29: Imminent reward for Pieris brassicae (2)
Yaerma29: Lever du jour sur le rosier
Yaerma29: Rose blanche
Yaerma29: Aprés l'orage
Yaerma29: Rain drops on the rose 2
Yaerma29: Rain drops on the rose 1
Yaerma29: Belle in black
Yaerma29: Petit retour en arrière
Yaerma29: First orange rose of the year
Yaerma29: Rosa peace
Yaerma29: Octobre rose
Yaerma29: Dernière floraison. Last flowering
Yaerma29: Résistance