Yaerma29: Etourneau sansonnet. Starling
Yaerma29: Mon ami qui me suit partout
Yaerma29: Verdier côté pile.
Yaerma29: Little hungry
Yaerma29: Blue tit
Yaerma29: L'heure du casse croûte
Yaerma29: The robin and the forest
Yaerma29: Mésange bleue. Blue tit
Yaerma29: Dream of freedom. Rêve de liberté.
Yaerma29: Green
Yaerma29: Imminent reward for Pieris brassicae (2)
Yaerma29: Imminent reward for Pieris brassicae
Yaerma29: Pivert
Yaerma29: Boisson à volonté
Yaerma29: Anastrangalia sanguinolenta
Yaerma29: Cheval de trait Breton
Yaerma29: Cheval de trait Breton
Yaerma29: Goéland marin Larus marinus
Yaerma29: Lièvre juvénile.
Yaerma29: En douceur. Slowly
Yaerma29: Libellula depressa
Yaerma29: The fly and the rose
Yaerma29: The ascent of the Dandelion
Yaerma29: Dialogue de sourds
Yaerma29: Archipel des 7 îles. Colonie fous de Bassan
Yaerma29: Jabadao
Yaerma29: Observation
Yaerma29: Ragondin
Yaerma29: Bientôt le printemps. Soon spring
Yaerma29: Myocastor coypus Le Ragondin