pearl grace:
wish that I'd had the Nikon with me!
pearl grace:
the only one
pearl grace:
the only shot fired off yesterday..
pearl grace:
word search
pearl grace:
Luna and Venus by the light of the goldeny lamppost
pearl grace:
birds on a light
pearl grace:
yellow in the sky
pearl grace:
a bit of pink for you
pearl grace:
I took only two pictures
pearl grace:
and now there are three ♥
pearl grace:
the sky has been very weird lately....
pearl grace:
just a little word game with Frankie ♥
pearl grace:
a rosy view through my iPhone
pearl grace:
where i live
pearl grace:
where i live ;) ♥
pearl grace:
magic hour (not really)
pearl grace:
where i live
pearl grace:
blue skies
pearl grace:
not sure if I'll continue this project
pearl grace:
moonset/sunrise this morning
pearl grace:
pearl grace:
pretty much my life
pearl grace:
oh! how i love thee....
pearl grace:
oh dear!
pearl grace:
Yoshi and Eggplant ♥
pearl grace:
look! what's that in the sky?
pearl grace:
♥ (no words necessary)
pearl grace:
my four gatos sleeping >^..^< ♥
pearl grace:
on the bus to Ajo
pearl grace:
break from Ives