pearl grace:
monarch on high
pearl grace:
this made me very happy
pearl grace:
flomo in flight
pearl grace:
fluttering around in Bloomington
pearl grace:
happy birthday to you, Dear Cindi !
pearl grace:
what's for lunch?
pearl grace:
another attempt at a lomo butterfly
pearl grace:
like a stained glass window
pearl grace:
lomo lady
pearl grace:
painted lady lunching on nectar of lantana
pearl grace:
painted lady
pearl grace:
the cocktail
pearl grace:
the cocktail
pearl grace:
morning walk
pearl grace:
the divine butterfly
pearl grace:
lens flare and butterfly
pearl grace:
pearl grace:
early morning
pearl grace:
pearl grace:
Happy 4th of July!
pearl grace:
pearl grace:
pearl grace:
pearl grace:
the flight home
pearl grace:
grace on blue
pearl grace:
portrait of grace