Debbi Long: ever-young
Debbi Long: young eyes
Debbi Long: Joel Griffith's autograph
Debbi Long: Mark turns 50
Debbi Long: Ken
Debbi Long: So Far Away
Debbi Long: non-reflection
Debbi Long: Kalu
Debbi Long: Jen
Debbi Long: just shoot me
Debbi Long: good hair day
Debbi Long: in your ear
Debbi Long: bubbles
Debbi Long: Dora the Explorer
Debbi Long: my mission ....
Debbi Long: must stop ... must stop ....
Debbi Long: still learning .... exposing myself
Debbi Long: still learning ... light play
Debbi Long: Queen Julia by Peter Lewis
Debbi Long: Portrait of a Relationship: Artist with Muse
Debbi Long: Study in Portraiture
Debbi Long: Tagged by Kurt (Ian Sane)
Debbi Long: shadows
Debbi Long: Jake
Debbi Long: Emily
Debbi Long: sunshine
Debbi Long: Waz's dimples
Debbi Long: Renee & Jake
Debbi Long: pominchair
Debbi Long: study in yellow