Shimrit&Yaar: Kitchen
Shimrit&Yaar: Kitchen
Shimrit&Yaar: Living/Dining Room
Shimrit&Yaar: Home-made dessert
Shimrit&Yaar: Living room + balcony
Shimrit&Yaar: Yaar as Uma
Shimrit&Yaar: Yaar as Uma
Shimrit&Yaar: Yaar as Uma
Shimrit&Yaar: Pippi Longstocking
Shimrit&Yaar: Reading on the porch
Shimrit&Yaar: Hassidic neighbors
Shimrit&Yaar: Email? Project? Chat?
Shimrit&Yaar: Tel Aviv Rainbow
Shimrit&Yaar: Dana is cold
Shimrit&Yaar: Yaara and Shira
Shimrit&Yaar: Lior & Lilach
Shimrit&Yaar: Yaara and Yaar
Shimrit&Yaar: Yaara and Yaar
Shimrit&Yaar: Yaara and me
Shimrit&Yaar: Yaar and windows
Shimrit&Yaar: Some kind of yummy meatballs
Shimrit&Yaar: Bandai reading the paper. Doesn't like the news at all.
Shimrit&Yaar: He likes the books though
Shimrit&Yaar: And the computer
Shimrit&Yaar: And the placemats
Shimrit&Yaar: And the cds and the ikea bookcase
Shimrit&Yaar: But not the couch. Because of the newspaper
Shimrit&Yaar: Warming up
Shimrit&Yaar: Cuddlin'