y-shindoh: White shoe abandoned on the street / 路上に捨てられた靴 (?)
y-shindoh: Canon IXY DIGITAL 810IS (?)
y-shindoh: FUJIFILM X-E2 with the thumb-rest and the shutter-button (?)
y-shindoh: Canon IXY DIGITAL 810IS (?)
y-shindoh: Kesen-numa station, Miyagi, JAPAN / 気仙沼駅 (宮城県気仙沼市)
y-shindoh: Onagawa station, Miyagi, JAPAN / 女川駅 / (宮城県牡鹿郡)
y-shindoh: 583 series limited express at Nishi-funabashi station / わくわくドリーム号 / 西船橋駅 (千葉県船橋市)
y-shindoh: BRIDGESTONE BATTLAX BT-023 SPORT TOURING / Honda CB400SF Special Edition 2011 (?)
y-shindoh: Fallen leaves / 落ち葉 (?)
y-shindoh: Autumn leaves / イチョウの葉 (?)
y-shindoh: Bronzed valve / 注水口 (?)