Y^2: Once upon an apple tree dream...
Y^2: I loved shallow depth of field, even then...
Y^2: Stop lying
Y^2: Stop watching T.V.
Y^2: Say 'Ahhhh'....
Y^2: From the mists...
Y^2: These are the stories we tell ourselves
Y^2: A thing of beauty, a thing of grace
Y^2: An abiding love for ferries
Y^2: A piece of family history, after a fashion
Y^2: The Mightiest Crab Ever
Y^2: All in a row
Y^2: Grar.
Y^2: Wipeout!
Y^2: Apparently, this is the Public Health Building...
Y^2: Oooh, stripey goodness!
Y^2: Looks are deceiving
Y^2: Did they measure wrong....
Y^2: The ever elegant levitating fork
Y^2: we claim this office in the name of chem...
Y^2: Made you look....
Y^2: Books on Blossoms
Y^2: Well, at least this way you'll always know where they are
Y^2: Duo
Y^2: Atmosphere