Xylopia: axillary bud and stipular scar
Xylopia: Domatia on undersurface of Mallotus polyadenos
Xylopia: Extra-floral nectary glands
Xylopia: oil dots
Xylopia: oil dots viewed against the sun
Xylopia: pulvinus
Xylopia: stipular scar
Xylopia: stipule
Xylopia: whorled leaves
Xylopia: L49 - compound leaves palmate
Xylopia: L5 - leaves alternately arranged
Xylopia: L6 - leaves opposite
Xylopia: L22 - leaf with three veins
Xylopia: L20 - intramarginal vein
Xylopia: whorled leaves
Xylopia: L7 - leaves whorled
Xylopia: L35 - domatia (foveole)
Xylopia: Aidia racemosa leaf arrangement
Xylopia: Maniltoa lenticellata - new growth
Xylopia: Cissus vinosa - pit in undersurface of leaf
Xylopia: Guioa acutifolia leaf with single domatium
Xylopia: winged rachis - CSIRO key feature L59
Xylopia: lenticels on compound leaf rachis
Xylopia: L29 - midrib distinctly raised on the upper surface
Xylopia: domatia in lateral vein branches
Xylopia: Olea paniculata domatium - a foveole with hairs around the orifice
Xylopia: leaf petiole with transverse wrinkles
Xylopia: twiner climber- CSIRO vine bark feature [VB 1]
Xylopia: Musgravea heterophylla leaves - juvenile & mature. Undersurface rusty brown to white
Xylopia: distichous leaf arrangement