xx xy visuals and sound art project: Mirror Neurons_Synergetica
xx xy visuals and sound art project: Mirror Neurons_Synergetica
xx xy visuals and sound art project: Mirage Festival_grandtemple_giuseppepradella
xx xy visuals and sound art project: Mirage Festival_grandtemple1
xx xy visuals and sound art project: me and peppe setting up things
xx xy visuals and sound art project: xx+xy visuals&sound art project
xx xy visuals and sound art project: Asferico live w Giuseppe/xx+xyvisuals
xx xy visuals and sound art project: live w Asferico at MainOff2012
xx xy visuals and sound art project: live av at MainOff 2012 Rome
xx xy visuals and sound art project: live av at MainOff 2012 Rome
xx xy visuals and sound art project: live av at MainOff 2012 Rome
xx xy visuals and sound art project: live w Asferico at MainOff2012
xx xy visuals and sound art project: Asferico w xx+xyvisuals MainOff2012
xx xy visuals and sound art project: de:sonanz20111002_2011