@bjdsale Selling a withdoll Dante in GS $250 OBO shipped unstrung via USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) uberotakudesign@gmail.com #bjdforsale #bjd #dollsofinstagram #abjd #MSD #withdoll #dante
@bjdsale Selling a withdoll Angela in GS $250 OBO shipped unstrung via USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) uberotakudesign@gmail.com #bjdforsale #bjd #dollsofinstagram #abjd #MSD #withdoll #angela
@bjdsale Selling a SOOM Dune in tan $500 OBO shipped unstrung via USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) uberotakudesign@gmail.com #bjdforsale #bjd #dollsoom #soombjd #soom #dollsofinstagram #abjd #MSD #nor #dune
@bjdsale Selling a SOOM Nor in WS $500 OBO shipped unstrung via USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) uberotakudesign@gmail.com #bjdforsale #bjd #dollsoom #soombjd #soom #dollsofinstagram #abjd #MSD #nor #dune
@bjdsale Selling a LUTS kid delf Pegasus Berry with human legs $750 OBO shipped unstrung via USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) uberotakudesign@gmail.com #bjdforsale #bjd #luts #lutsbjd #berry #pegasus #centaurbjd #centaur #d
@bjdsale Selling a Fairyland pukifee soso tiny faceplate in WS $50 shipped OBO USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) - contact uberotakudesign@gmail.com #bjdforsale #bjd #flbjd #Fairylandbjd #dollfairyland #dollsofinstagram #abj
@bjdsale Selling a Fairyland pukifee pupu tiny faceplate in WS $50 shipped OBO USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) - contact uberotakudesign@gmail.com #bjdforsale #bjd #flbjd #Fairylandbjd #dollfairyland #dollsofinstagram #abj
@bjdsale Selling a Fairyland littlefee Nanuri 2017 tiny faceplate in WS $60 shipped OBO USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) - contact uberotakudesign@gmail.com #bjdforsale #bjd #flbjd #Fairylandbjd #dollfairyland #dollsofinsta
@bjdsale Selling a Fairyland littlefee Soso tiny faceplate in WS$60 shipped OBO USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) - contact uberotakudesign@gmail.com #bjdforsale #bjd #flbjd #Fairylandbjd #dollfairyland #dollsofinstagram #ab
@bjdsale Selling a Fairyland littlefee Pupu tiny faceplate in WS$60 shipped OBO USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) - contact uberotakudesign@gmail.com #bjdforsale #bjd #flbjd #Fairylandbjd #dollfairyland #dollsofinstagram #ab
@bjdsale Selling a spare DC MSD head in NS/PS $75 shipped OBO USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) sorry not sure of sculpt - contact uberotakudesign@gmail.com #bjdforsale #bjd #DC #dollchateau #dollchateaubjd #DCBJD #dollsofin
@bjdsale Selling a spare SOOM MSD Grey/Ace head in WS $75 shipped OBO USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) contact uberotakudesign@gmail.com Not sure of the sculpt or year #bjdforsale #bjd #SOOM #SOOMbjd #dollsofinstagram #abjd
@bjdsale Selling a spare Luts SD summer event head 1 in NS $60 shipped OBO USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) contact uberotakudesign@gmail.com Not sure of the sculpt or year #bjdforsale #bjd #luts #lutsbjd #dollsofinstagram
@bjdsale Selling a spare Luts SD summer event head in NS $60 shipped OBO USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) contact uberotakudesign@gmail.com Not sure of the sculpt or year #bjdforsale #bjd #luts #lutsbjd #dollsofinstagram #a
@bjdsale Selling a spare Luts MSD head in NS $60 shipped OBO USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) contact uberotakudesign@gmail.com Not sure of the sculptor year #bjdforsale #bjd #luts #lutsbjd #dollsofinstagram #abjd #MSD #Elf
@bjdsale Selling a spare Fairyland MSD head RFA 2015 in WS $75 shipped OBO USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) contact uberotakudesign@gmail.com #bjdforsale #bjd #fairyland #fairylandbjd #dollsofinstagram #abjd #MSD #RFA #RFA2
@bjdsale Selling a spare Fairyland SD head Nanuri 2017 in WS $120 shipped OBO USPS in US (will ship internationally but shipping not included) contact uberotakudesign@gmail.com #bjdforsale #bjd #fairyland #fairylandbjd #dollsofinstagram #abjd #SD #nanuri