xurizaemon: The end of Penkill Road
xurizaemon: Bus smoking
xurizaemon: undefined
xurizaemon: Everyday obsession: the mostly abandoned factory next door
xurizaemon: Dreamy
xurizaemon: undefined
xurizaemon: Nascent at the start of the hols
xurizaemon: Smokehead and fire
xurizaemon: undefined
xurizaemon: undefined
xurizaemon: undefined
xurizaemon: undefined
xurizaemon: Taranaki started it.
xurizaemon: undefined
xurizaemon: Bus stop
xurizaemon: boys with mustaches
xurizaemon: Found in pocket: Lego helmet, type unknown.
xurizaemon: Spaceship
xurizaemon: undefined
xurizaemon: undefined
xurizaemon: Please give us the rainbow tree so that we can make a picture of a lego one rainbow.
xurizaemon: undefined
xurizaemon: Rowan can now climb to the cereals in the cupboard.
xurizaemon: Emperor is cooler I think. Couldn't get mandalorians or stormtroopers to work.
xurizaemon: undefined
xurizaemon: undefined
xurizaemon: undefined
xurizaemon: For this I handled almond fondant.
xurizaemon: @burgieballs we got snow!