K*K: Palm Pre Plus
K*K: minolta 24-85 lens test
K*K: the box
K*K: minolta 24-85 lens
K*K: Minolta 24-85 glass
K*K: Building Building
K*K: Blinds
K*K: Test the force.
K*K: My mother's.
K*K: My mouse - Microsoft IE 3.0
K*K: My keyboard of PowerBook.
K*K: Sigma EF-500 DG Super 包装盒
K*K: Sigma EF-500 DG Super 打开盒子
K*K: Sigma EF-500 DG Super 躺下了。。。
K*K: Sigma EF-500 DG Super 后控制面板
K*K: Sigma EF-500 DG Super 前脸
K*K: logo
K*K: logo
K*K: 外面
K*K: 内胆
K*K: 小包
K*K: 拉链
K*K: Beijing Night. Shot at San Yi Miao.
K*K: Beijing Night. Shot at Wan Quan Zhuang.
K*K: My colleague and her cactus.
K*K: The world in my eye
K*K: Keyboard
K*K: Control Panel
K*K: Minolta Hi-Matic E
K*K: NetGear ReadyNAS Duo