XsGerry: Jessie who put the event together, sweetheart
XsGerry: Kenny and Jessie share a moment
XsGerry: Ooh, t'things I'm gonna do t'yew...
XsGerry: sexy b3tans
XsGerry: Jessie, Mictoboy and Chunderbunny
XsGerry: Jessie and J.Peasemould Gruntfuttock
XsGerry: Jessie gets the list of alternate names suggested for Ketlafish
XsGerry: The Whenster has them in thrall...
XsGerry: Jessie glees
XsGerry: DSCF1425
XsGerry: Jessie Metals it out
XsGerry: Kerry and Nina, all the Lovelyness
XsGerry: Kenny and Jessie
XsGerry: DSCF1521
XsGerry: perfect end to a night out eh?
XsGerry: Wha'z up dere?
XsGerry: i can has spirograph now?
XsGerry: jessie ignoring the petty distractions
XsGerry: Gangster Jessie
XsGerry: Ganster Jessie with a pint and a Do Not Cross warning
XsGerry: B3ta jessie
XsGerry: Why I oughtta....
XsGerry: lost in thought (or possibly knackered from travel)
XsGerry: My Bad. Jessie was not at 45 degrees (nor was the brickwork)
XsGerry: Gimme some sugar honey
XsGerry: Who the hell is that in the background??
XsGerry: Aww bless...
XsGerry: IvesB, Jessie, Prof Kenny and Mrs IvesB
XsGerry: Jessie advertising the DJ night
XsGerry: jessie and In Vino Veritas